Productive Writing: Create an efficient and sustainable writing practice

Recherche 20/06/2024

Public cible : The main target group is PhD students from any disciplinary field who are writing on an academic text. Researchers at other academic levels can just as well benefit from the workshop.

If you find writing joyful and efficient it is much easier to enjoy your PhD study. At this workshop we share both our good ideas and approaches and also explore why academic writing can be difficult, tedious and even sometimes creates writing blocks. An array of tools to build and support a good writing practice will be introduced and tried out in practice.

The course aims to improve your writing process by training meta-reflection on your own writing process. This is done both theoretically by introducing research based mental models and by practicing several different writing tools in situ.

The exercises include time to write on your own text. Therefore, it is very important to bring along a text that you are currently writing. It can be an article, a funding application, your PhD plan, the thesis or even a more popular text.

After the course you can:

  • Structure your writing using specific writing goals
  • Use speedwriting to get started and to prompt new ideas
  • Utilise smaller time spans for writing to keep the process going
  • Distinguish between different phases in the writing process
  • Create a storyline in your text
  • Reflect on your writing challenges
  • Create conditions for more efficient writing
  • Make a (more) realistic writing plan
  • And hopefully enjoy writing even more!

This course does not count towards the "attestation didactique de la HES-SO".


Mirjam Godskesen consultant, coach and researcher

Haute école

A déterminer

Durée 1 jour(s)
Date 20.06.2024
Horaire 09h00 - 17h00
Frais d'inscription HES-SOCHF 200.-
Hors HES⁠-⁠SOCHF 200.-
Taux de remplissage de la formation