Preliminary study: Valorization of camel milk through improved feeding with by-products and development of high potential dairy products

Morocco | Agriculture, Biosciences

Swiss partners

  • Berner Fachhochschule BFH: Pascale Waelti Maumier (main applicant), Sarah Guidi, Guillaume Egli, Nancy Bourgeois, Mario Arcari

Partners in the MENA region

  • Université Ibn Zohr, Maroc: Said Gharby (main applicant), Khalid Majourhat

Presentation of the projet

The Drâa-Tafilalet region in south-eastern Morocco is one of the country’s poorest. Here, and in the Saharan desert regions of Morocco in general, camels are a major income source for the nomad population. The camels are kept mainly for meat and transportation, while their milk is mostly consumed locally by family members or by the young dromedaries (Al haj and Al Kanhal, 2010). This part of the country increasingly suffers from droughts due to climate change. Due to the lack of feed caused by drought, milk production of the camels decreased by 30% in 2022 compared to 2021 (Taha, 2023). This project focuses on three different aspects: (1) Development of a camel feed based on argan, tomatoes and watermelon by-products to compensate for the lack of natural feed; (2) Valorization of the camel milk with the development of new dairy products; (3) Development of a centralized production site in the form of a cooperative (preferably for women).

This grant will allow the team from Switzerland to work with the team from Morocco to perform an extended value chain analysis to understand the needs and production challenges of all stakeholders in the camel-milk value chain. During this first phase, a market analysis and focus group discussions with potential consumers and production actors will take place. The goal is to understand the production challenges, possibilities and solutions for producers. Thanks to this preliminary study, it will be possible to focus on the development of the right camel dairy products, as well as a potential feed component based on by-products, for the next steps of the project.