Instrumental Agency in Contemporary Music Practices
Musique et Arts de la scène

InstrAct seeks to propose a first modelisation of the agency of musical instruments in the field of contemporary classical music, focusing on the ways two different instruments, the viola and viola d’amore, “participate” in the conception of new musical works and to the shaping of their interpretations. By leveraging the contrasting histories and characteristics of the viola, a staple of classical music, and the viola d’amore, which lacks the same historical dissemination and performative standardisation, the project provides an opportunity to explore two different ranges of physical, technical, and historical affordances.
The project draws its theoretical foundations from concepts derived by ecological psychology and Actor-Network Theory, and it is developed through methodologies and tools belonging to the field of artistic research. It combines music analysis, development of case studies (new composition in collaboration with composers Tim McCormack and Scott McLaughlin), documentation of creative process, experimentation within the community of HEMU’s faculty and students, and guided autoethnography of participants, with the aim to present a researched modelisation of instrumental affordances’ interactions.
Foreseen outputs include new compositions, recordings, performances at international festivals, open access documentation, and scholarly publications, a comprehensive handbook on viola techniques (published by Bärenreiter), and educational outputs at HEMU.