Fonds Ra&D 28.03.2017

DesignPlus: program of Gebert Ruf foundation for research&innovation in design

Gebert Rüf Stiftung supports innovative projects at Swiss institutions of higher education which succeed in combining design with application-oriented technology, research and educational practice.

The objective of the “DesignPlus” area of activity is to reinforce the importance of incorporating design knowledge and methods as an integral part of…

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Fonds Ra&D 28.03.2017

Direct Use of Micro-Organisms, call of Gebert Ruf foundation

CHF 2 million p.a. for innovative and applied projects dealing with the direct use of modified or domesticated micro-organisms.

With its initiative, Gebert Rüf Stiftung seeks to generate a significant impact by exploiting the potential and widespread use microbial resources in…

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Fonds Ra&D 13.03.2017

Foundation for the Third Millennium

The Stiftung Drittes Millennium (Foundation for the Third Millennium) promotes sustainability in all sectors of society.

More specifically, it promotes action that places equal emphasis on responsible behavior in relationship to environmental, economic and social…

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Fonds Ra&D 13.03.2017

Fondation Sophie und Karl Binding soutient la recherche

La Fondation Sophie et Karl Binding alloue ses subsides de trois façons: au travers de programmes thématiques, dans le cadre de dépôts de demandes libres, et en faveur de projets prioritaires dont elle est responsable ou initiatrice. Les thématiques concernées sont les suivantes: social, environnement, culturel et formation.

Afin de renforcer l’effet de ses activités de soutien, la Fondation Sophie et Karl Binding a défini un programme thématique pour chacun de ses quatre…

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Fonds Ra&D 13.03.2017

The COGITO foundation

The cogito foundation would like to know how the gap between the cultures came to be about, what caused it and how it developped. Research proposals for interdisciplinary projects that attempt to bridge this gap may be funded.

Following types of grants are offered:

- Research Grants

- Postdoc Scholarships

- Fellowships

- Congresses

- Publications

-Public understanding…

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Fonds Ra&D 08.03.2017

Programme ESPON : mise au concours de trois analyses ciblées

La Suisse participe au programme d’observation du territoire ESPON. Dans ce cadre trois contrats de service pour la mise en œuvre des projets Targeted Analyses retenus en août 2016 ont été mis en concours. Les institutions de recherche intéressées sont invitées à poser leurs candidatures afin de réaliser ces projets avec le soutien financier du programme ESPON.

Dans le cadre des analyses ciblées (targeted analyses) du programme ESPON, trois contrats de service pour la mise en œuvre des projets Targeted…

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Fonds Ra&D 02.03.2017

r4d (FNS): Third thematically open call launched

The thematically open module invites high-quality research that contributes to the solution of global problems in least developed, low- and middle income countries. The topics in this module emerge bottom-up by the researchers.

The third thematically open call of the r4d (research for development) programme supports research on global issues in the context of the 2030 Agenda…

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