Fonds Ra&D 28.02.2019

Leading House for the Region Africa: S-SAM Spring call 2019

On behalf of the Leading House for the Region Africa, the Swiss Subsaharan Africa Migration Network at Université de Neuchatel has launched a second call - S-SAM Spring call 2019 - targeting late PhD and early postdoctoral researchers from sub-Saharan Africa or Switzerland to submit proposals for short pilot studies and/or academic exchanges.

Proposals should revolve around

  • reasons and motivation to migrate,
  • student migration, and
  • migration and health.

Budget range for short pilot…

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Fonds Ra&D 13.02.2019

FreeNovation 2019 Call for Proposals

FreeNovation provides funding opportunities for unconventional, radical projects that have the potential to open up novel research directions and aim beyond incremental innovation and discovery. This year, FreeNovation focuses on Systems Medicine: From molecule to phenotype and to better therapies.

Proposals need to be particularly original and hard to fund by conventional funding programs due to the "unorthodox" character of the idea or absence…

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Fonds Ra&D 05.02.2019

Dixième mise au concours du programme BRIDGE Proof of Concept

Les projets BRIDGE Proof of Concept s’adressent à de jeunes chercheuses et chercheurs qui souhaitent développer des applications ou des services à partir de leurs propres résultats de recherche. Ces projets peuvent être consacrés à tous types d’innovation, dans tous les domaines de recherche.

La page web BRIDGE fournit davantage de détails sur les offres et conditions d'encouragement et sur les mises au concours.

Les projets doivent être…

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Actualités Ra&D 04.02.2019

Using technology towards a better humanitarian aid. The SMSer project.

This project aims to overcome one of the greatest difficulties in the management of medical supplies in humanitarian crises: the visibility of stocks and consumption of medical supplies at the last mile.


The project

will conceive, develop and test the implementation of a system for stock

management of medical supplies in remote dispensaries in…

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