Reliability and validity of an adapted hip abductor strength measure

Gesundheit Genf Wallis

ReVa-HAS measure: Reliability and validity of an adapted hip abductor strength measure in a closed chain position. A new fall risk assessment for older persons?

An important complication of age (≥65 years) is the increasing risk of falls. Falls can cause serious consequences such as loss of independence and increased mortality. They have multifactorial etiology and modifiable risk factors open for interventions in prevention and rehabilitation are of high interest. Recent literature highlights the importance of strong hip abductors (modifiable risk factor) to prevent falls. Previously used hip abductor strength assessment procedures were not functional and not applicable in everyday clinical practice as they were too long (e.g. mean 10.58 ± 1.56 min). Therefore, a new measurement device was developed. The objective of the present study is to assess feasibility, intra- and inter-tester reliability, and validity of the adapted measure in a standing, closed chain position. If reliable and valid this measure would offer caregivers easily feasible possibilities to assess hip abductor strength in a functional position in a daily clinical setting.