Projets financés

Liste des projets MENA


108gefundene Ergebnisse

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Calls et années

Institutions MENA

Institutions suisses


Impact of Phytoremediation on rehabilitation of soils contamined by heavy metals


| Environment, Earth Sciences

Experimental Evaluation of the Antiarrhythmic Effect of Epigalloxatechin-3-Gallate in Cardiac Channelopathies


| Medicine, Public Health

RESET-Francophone: REIeve Scientifique, Education et Technologie

Morocco, Tunisia

| Education, Computer Sciences

Cross-border reproductive care in the Maghreb region: An emerging reproscape


| Public Health, Sociology

The city of Fès as a locus to investigate migration processes on the move


| Migration, Earth Sciences

Perception of disability among pupils, parents, educators and staff in schools in Lebanon


| Education, Sociology

Relations between family situations, social work and schools to foster children’s resilience towards violence

Occupied Palestine Territory

| Social Work, Gender Studies

E-NEO: Développement des compétences et connaissances des étudiants en réanimation néonatale avec un module e-learning collaboratif en Suisse et au Liban


| Medicine, Education

Towards a Palestinian research data archive

Occupied Palestine Territory

| Management, Computer Sciences

Investigating new technological utopias in Cairo through collaborative art-projects


| Performing Arts, Computer Sciences

LETS LearningLab Network: Lebanon Egypt Tunisia Switzerland Learning Lab Network


| Education, Sociology

Towards a 3D digitalization of Tunisian mines and caves


| Earth Sciences, Computer Sciences

Collaborative Framework for effective Education of reliable 3D Printing Technologies: Virtual & Physical Prototyping


| Education, Engineering Sciences

Kaolinitic clay for limestone calcined clay cement (LC3) in the United Arab Emirates

United Arab Emirates

| Biosciences, Engineering Sciences

Acts of repair: Heritage, conservation and healing in the divided landscape of rural Jerusalem

Occupied Palestine Territory

| Architecture, History

Use of TomatO rhizomicrobiome to Predict Yield in Abiotic Stress (UTOPYAS)


| Biosciences, Agriculture

Développement des produits du terroir à l'international: Etude comparative entre la Suisse et la Tunisie


| Agriculture, Economics

Tc-99m radiolabeling of nanobody targeting tenascin-C


| Biosciences, Medicine

Towards the design of an innovative platform for the training of educational managers


| Education, Computer Sciences

Heavy metals in Palestinian Agriculture (HEMiPA): A pilot study in the Jenin Governorate

Occupied Palestine Territory

| Agriculture, Environment

Méthodes numériques pour la prédiction des déformations et l'anticipation des retraits thermiques en fabrication additive


| Computer Sciences, Earth Sciences

Characterizing human adipose stem and precursor cells at the single nucleus level in obese and diabetic patients


| Medicine, Biosciences

Preliminary study: Valorization of camel milk through improved feeding with by-products and development of high potential dairy products


| Agriculture, Biosciences

Enabling greywater reuse in Palestinian households

Occupied Palestine Territory

| Earth Sciences, Environment

Machine learning based design of single and interpenetrating phase, vibration-isolating advanced materials

United Arab Emirates

| Computer Sciences, Earth Sciences

SI-WHIM: Space ImmunoBioInks for Wound Healing In Microgravity

United Arab Emirates

| Biosciences, Engineering Sciences

Using Single Cell Manipulation and Micropatterned Biomimetic Molecules to Build 2.5D/3D Neuronal Networks


| Cognitive Sciences, Medicine

Vers une politique d'ouverture aux REL: Etat de l'art et perspectives


| Education, Political Sciences

Prothèse Fémorale Bionique Innovante: Biomimétisme, Fabrication Additive et Revêtement à l'Hydroxyapatite pour une Intégration Osseuse Optimale


| Biosciences, Engineering Sciences

Wastewater treatment plant enhancement toward a sustainable reuse and management for food security nexus in northen Africa, Marrakech, Morocco


| Agriculture, Environment