SNIS - Call for project 2017

Publié le 14.11.2016. Mis à jour le 05.05.2021.

The Swiss Network for International Studies currently launches the call for projects 2017. Submission deadline: 11 January 2017 – 13:00

Project grants are offered for pluri-disciplinary research projects in the field of international studies and range from CHF 100’000 to 300’000 over a two-year period. Collaborations with international and non-governmental organisations are considered as a clear asset. Thematically, project proposals can be submitted in the general area of international studies or the special theme 2017: migration in the lens of the sustainable development goals (with sub-themes) :

  • demography and migration
  • environmental change and migration
  • gender and migration
  • innovation and migration
  • migration governance and human rights
  • technology and migrant integration
  • transnational connectivity and migration

Website SNIS Call for projects

 picto pdf   SNIS Call for projects process