Call for ideas: Recommendations in satellite navigation upstream research and develop

Publié le 15.07.2019. Mis à jour le 05.05.2021.

The European Commission is launching a call for ideas to gather recommendations in satellite navigation upstream research and development (R&D) activities, to help identify European capacities and weaknesses in this field, and to design a multi-annual R&D roadmap accordingly.

Under Horizon Europe, the EU’s research and innovation framework programme, R&D activities will be carried out in the upstream part of satellite navigation, i.e. the European Global Navigation Satellite System’s mission, services, infrastructure and technology. The European Commission is currently laying down the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) R&D activity areas that will be funded by Horizon Europe (2021-2017).

Several actions have been undertaken by the Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, the European GNSS Agency and the European Space Agency that have provided an overview of strategic needs and recommendations for R&D. However, this task cannot be adequately completed without consultation with R&D actors, including industry, SMEs, research institutes and universities.

For participation, questionnaire has to be completed and sent to GROW-HE-EGNSS(at) by 7 August 2019, 18.00 CEST.

Responses will be treated confidentially and the results will be used to prepare the ‘Horizon Europe Upstream R&D workshop’ that will take place in Prague on 13 September 2019.

Take advantage of this is a unique opportunity to voice your opinion on the direction these R&D activities should take in the years to come!

Access the questionnaire