Joint call for projects Morocco-Switzerland

As part of the Memorandum of understanding signed by the Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation of the Kingdom of Morocco, and the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation of the Swiss Confederation, a second call for projects has been open since January 22, 2024. It aims to strengthen collaboration between Swiss and Moroccan institutions by funding research and development projects involving at least one Moroccan PhD student during the project period.

The projects should contribute to achieving the following cooperation objectives:

  • Supporting young researchers;
  • Promoting networking between Moroccan and Swiss researchers to participate in international calls for projects;
  • Encouraging mobility of professors, researchers and doctoral students.

The call for projects is open to the following disciplines and themes:

  • Education Sciences;
  • Cognitive Sciences;
  • Sustainable Water Management;
  • Biotechnologies.

The maximum amount that can be requested is 25,000 Swiss francs per project for the partner(s) in Switzerland, and 250,000 Moroccan dirhams for the partner(s) in Morocco. Eligibility criteria, funding rules and the selection process are detailed in the document below.

Awarded projects

The call for projects was launched in September 2022. At the deadline (11 December 2022), 25 applications had been submitted. After an eligibility check and an evaluation by external reviewers, the joint Steering Committee selected ten projects which were awarded a grant. You can find the list of awarded projects below.

Genomics-Assisted Breeding for combined heat and drought stress tolerance in Wheat


| Agriculture, Biosciences

Prothèse Fémorale Bionique Innovante: Biomimétisme, Fabrication Additive et Revêtement à l'Hydroxyapatite pour une Intégration Osseuse Optimale


| Biosciences, Engineering Sciences

Monitoring des Paramètres d'Entartrage sur Réseau d'Eau Potable à l'aide de Capteurs Autonomes


| Engineering Sciences, Management

Pédagogies ecoanxiété


| Education, Environment

Transforming Biomass Waste for Sustainable Water Management: Advanced Pyrolysis Techniques for Biochar Production


| Agriculture, Environment

SERPENT-ID: L'intelligence artificielle et la gamification pour apprendre à identifier les serpents et gérer les envenimations au Maroc. Un programme de formation innovant pour les étudiants universitaires, les professionnels de santé et les herpétologue


| Education, Computer Sciences

Suivi oculaire dans le e-learning à l'aide d'algorithmes de Machine Learning


| Cognitive Sciences, Computer Sciences



| Biosciences, Agriculture

Using Vegetation Sensitivity to Climate Change to Predict Agriculture Climate Fragility in the Atlas Mountains Oases of Morocco


| Environment, Agriculture

Valorisation de microalgues en tant que source de biomasse et d’énergie renouvelable et durable


| Biosciences, Environment

Wastewater treatment plant enhancement toward a sustainable reuse and management for food security nexus in northen Africa, Marrakech, Morocco


| Agriculture, Environment

Détection et réduction des fuites dans les réseaux domestiques d'eau potable au Maroc


| Engineering Sciences, Management