Le Master en Conservation-restauration de la HE-Arc est destiné aux futur·es professionnel·les souhaitant approfondir leurs connaissances en conservation. Il met l'accent sur la mise en oeuvre des mesures curatives des objets patrimoniaux.
The Master's in Design is a vocational programme that addresses the demands of today's world and takes account of the international context that design fits into. The Lausanne University of Art and Design (ECAL) and HEAD – Geneva each offer three specialisations within the programme, based on their specific areas of expertise.
This program offers a unique opportunity to explore the world of innovation through an interdisciplinary and immersive approach. Designed to shape the innovators of tomorrow, it empowers you to develop cutting-edge products and services while addressing contemporary social, economic, and environmental challenges.
L’art contemporain est un champ d’activités riche dans lequel les professions et les spécialisations sont continuellement redéfinies. Le Master en Arts visuels s’adresse à des étudiant·es titulaires d’un Bachelor, passionné·es par la pratique artistique ou une approche plus théorique et curatoriale.
L’ECAL, l’EDHEA et la HEAD – Genève proposent des orientations dans cette filière. Le contenu pédagogique spécifique aux orientations repose sur les compétences et l’identité
The Master's in Film enables students to develop their own cinematographic vision, understand how films are made and get to grips with the various stages of film production. By the end of the course, students are ready to enter the film industry. The programme is run jointly by the Lausanne University of Art and Design (ECAL) and HEAD – Geneva and draws on each school's specific expertise.
The Master's in Interior Architecture at HEAD - Geneva is a vocational course that helps students to understand the increasingly diverse nature of interior spaces in the contemporary world. It is a cross-disciplinary course that covers everything from design and the visual arts to audio-visual culture and the digital landscape.