Innovation Starting Grants
This call for project was launched in January 2019. Projects were selected in June and started soon after that. Results were initially expected in Autumn 2020, but this deadline has been extended to the end of 2021 due to the coronavirus pandemic. You can find detailed information about the sixteen funded projects below.
Application of stealth computing in highly information-sensitive cloud environments
Main applicant
- Josef Spillner - ZHAW
Partners in the MENA region
- Abu Talib Manar - University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
- Farhad Khalilnia - Penta, United Arab Emirates
Project page on ZHAW website
Paper presented at the 2020 International Conference on Communications, Computing, Cybersecurity, and Informatics
Écoconstruction et Agroécologie en contexte oasien : des chemins d’innovation alternatifs pour une intégration renforcée des populations locales fragilisées
Main applicant
- Marc Breviglieri - HES-SO, Haute école de travail social, Geneva
Partners in the MENA region
- Zakaria Kadiri - Université Hassan II de Casablanca, Morocco
- Ateleir Salima Naji, Morocco
Genderscapes: the Global Circulation of Feminist Theories and Transregional Arab Debates
Main applicant
- Sarah Farag - Universität Zürich
Partners in the MENA region
- Hoda Elsadda - Cairo University, Egypt
- Fatima Sadiqi - Isis Center for Women and Development, Morocco
Investigating new technological utopias in Cairo through collaborative art-projects
Main applicants
- Isis Fahmy - HES-SO, La Manufacture, Lausanne
- Benoît Renaudin - HES-SO, HEAD; Geneva
Partners in the MENA region
- Duncan MacDonald - American University of Cairo, Egypt
- Haytham Nawar - CairoTronica Festival, Egypt
Skills2Share. Soutenir l’intégration socioprofessionnelle des enfants/jeunes en difficulté par le développement de leurs compétences – cas des enfants/jeunes malentendants au Liban
Main applicant
- Maria Sokhn - HES-SO, Haute école de gestion ARC, Neuchâtel
Partners in the MENA region
- Rima Kilany - Université Saint-Joseph de Beyruth, Lebanon
- Mona Chélala - Institut de Rééducation Audio-Phonétique (IRAP), Lebanon
Portable Agile Communication for Areas with Infrastructures Diminished (PAC-AID)
Main applicant
- Maria Sakovsky - ETHZ
Partners in the MENA region
- Joseph Costantine - American University of Beirut, Lebanon
- Michel Nassar - National Instruments, Lebanon
Strengthening Civic Education in a young Democracy
Main applicant
- Samir Boulos - Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich
Partners in the MENA region
- Amel Meziane - Université de Tunis, Institut Supérieur des Etudes Appliquées en Humanités de Zag-houan, Tunisia
- Elyes Guermazi - International Institute of debate, Tunisia
E-NEO: Développement des compétences et connaissances des étudiants en réanimation néonatale avec un module e-learning collaboratif en Suisse et au Liban
Main applicant
- Claire De Labrusse - HES-SO, Haute école de santé Vaud, Lausanne
Partners in the MENA region
- Nina Saadallah-Zeidan - Lebanese University
- Farid Sabbagh - Baabda governmental university hospital, Lebanon
Page of the project on the website of HESAV
News article about the project, May 2022
Video presentation by the teaching and research team
La réinsertion scolaire et sociale des Enfants de la Rue marocains: l’impact des cercles de partages interculturelss
Main applicant
- Marlène Lebrun - HEP BEJUNE, Delémont
Partners in the MENA region
- Abdelouahad Mabrour - Université Chouaïb Doukkali, El Jadida, Morocco
- Bouchra El Ouriaghli - Centre Dar Al Amal: Maison de l’Espoir, Morocco
LETS LearningLab Network : Lebanon Egypt Tunisia Switzerland Learning Lab Network
Main applicant
- Eric Sanchez - Université de Fribourg and Université de Genève
Partners in the MENA region
- Ouajdi Korbaa, Lilia Cheniti - Université de Sousse, Tunisia
- Karim Elouardani - Estifeda, Tunisia
Website of the project
Page of the project on the website of the University of Geneva
Learning Lab website
Open Education Resource library
Article published in the journal Education and Information Technologies
Relations between family situations, social work and schools to foster children’s resilience towards violence: looking at alternative social innovative approaches in Tulkarem, Occupied Territories, Palestine
Main applicants
- Alexander Dormeier Freire - IHEID
- Sylvia Garcia Delahaye - HES-SO, Haute école de travail social, Geneva
Partner in the MENA region
- Samah Saleh - An-Najah National University, Nablus, Palestine
- Iyad Salim - Palestinian syndicate of social and psychological workers; UNWRA
OpenCE‐C4D : Promotion de la technique d’électrophorèse capillaire avec détection C4D dans la région MENA
Main applicant
- Olivier Vorlet - HES-SO, HEIA, Fribourg
Partners in the MENA region
- Farouk Jaber - Lebanese University
- Sami Saad - Dima Healthcare s.a.l, Lebanon
Towards a Palestinian research data archive
Main applicant
- Brian Kleiner - Swiss Centre of Expertise in the Social Sciences FORS
Partners in the MENA region
- Asem Khalil - Birzeit University, Palestine
- Derar Touqan - Nablus Municipality, Palestine
Biofiltre photosynthétique pour l’épuration de l’eau de systèmes d’aquaculture et extraction des bioproduits à partir de la biomasse algale
Main applicant
- Roger Röthlisberger - HES-SO, HEIG-VD, Yverdon-les-Bains
Partners in the MENA region
- Saloua Sadok - Institut National des Sciences et Technologies de la Mer INSTM, Tunis, Tunisia
- Samia Gharbi - Pôle de Compétitivité de Bizerte, Tunisia
IoT and Edge For wateR Management (InTERiM)
Main applicant
- Nabil Abdennadher - HES-SO, HEPIA, Geneva
Partners in the MENA region
- Rached Hamza - SUPCOM, Tunisia
- Ali Benbrahim - IPNET, Tunisia