Fonds Ra&D 27.02.2017

H2020 Energy Week

20-24 March 2017, Valais, Fribourg and Vaud. This event is organised by HES-SO in collaboration with the Euresearch network. It is directed to researchers, industrial partners, policy makers and civil society active in the Energy sector. It aims at providing information about open and upcoming Calls in Horizon 2020 and promoting networking between regional stakeholders.

There are three information and networking events planned:

Fonds Ra&D 08.02.2017

Programme DevPro Ra&D est publié!

Les inscriptions sont ouvertes!

Le programme DevPro dans l’axe

recherche pour le 2ème semestre de l’année académique

2016-2017 a été publié. Ces formations, mises en place par l'Un…

Fonds Ra&D 08.02.2017

[Pre-Call] Swiss-Korean Joint Research Projects Funding Alert!

La CTI en collaboration avec la Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology (KIAT) offrent de nouvelles opportunités de financement en soutenant des projets d’innovation réunissant des partenaires suisses et sud-coréens.


lancement de cet appel à projet aura lieu le 8 mars 2017. Le délai de

soumission est d’ores et déjà fixé au 19 juin 2017.



Fonds Ra&D 08.02.2017

FreeNovation Applicants 2017

FreeNovation provides funding opportunities for innovative, substantial-risk projects that have the potential to open up novel research directions and aim beyond incremental innovation and discovery.

Projects should be relevant to biomedical research with an ultimate aim

to provide an innovative healthcare solution for patients.

In the current…

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