This gateway provides the HES-SO community with online resources such as specialized databases, academic journals and ebooks in the fields of education and research of the HES-SO. These resources are subscribed by all HES-SO schools or only by a few domains.
Most libraries offer complementary resources specific to their communities. For any information or questions, you can consult their websites and address them your questions or problems of access.
SNV Connect (SN, ISO, SIA, IEC, Electrosuisse)
Bibliographical reference database for standards. Also contains the full-text of the valid Swiss standards, approximately 37'000 swiss standards: SWISSMEM, Electrosuisse, SIA, INB Interdisziplinärer Normenbereich (SNV), International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), as well as all ISO norms. These standards can be downloaded from the database and printed out for an academic use.
Link : only for "Engineering & Architecture" and "Business, Management and Services", as well as for the HE-Arc Conservation-restauration - authentication with SWITCH edu-ID
Social Services Abstracts
Bibliographic database focusing on social work, social services and related fields, including social welfare, social policy and community development. Social Services Abstracts is part of Sociological Abstracts.
Libguide (Sociological Abstracts)
Sociological Abstracts
Bibliographic database in sociology, social sciences and social work, indexing articles, books, book chapters, theses, etc. since 1952. Also contains Social Services Abstracts.
Springer Journals - Archives
About 1'672 journals published by SPRINGER from 1632.
Embargo : 4 years
Informations and registration for non affiliated people of swiss universities and high schools
Springer Journals Read and Publish
About 2'400 journals published by Springer from 1997 mainly in the fields of natural sciences, medicine, engineering, computer science and economics
SpringerMaterials (incl. Landolt Börnstein)
SpringerMaterials provides curated data and advanced functionalities to support research in materials science, physics, chemistry, engineering, and other related fields
The business database Statista holds statistical data on more than 80,000 topics from some 22,500 sources as well as industry and business data in more than 170 sectors, as well as market research, trend analyses and prognoses, historical and current facts on companies. This database is also available in French and German, but 20% or 30% of search results will depend on language.
Access only for "Economics and Services" domain
Access to the archives of nearly 350 titles (printed and electronic) of the Swiss press: French- and German-speaking daily newspapers, business press, magazines, etc.
Swisslex is a legal database that contains court rulings of Swiss federal and cantonal courts as well as legal journals and commentaries.
Link : it is necessary to request the creation of an account at your library with your institutional address.
Taylor & Francis journals - Read and Publish
The Taylor & Francis collection contains approximately 2,000 academic journals in the fields of SSH (Social Sciences and Humanities), ST (Science and Technology), Medical, Allied & Public Health.
Warning 2024: access and OA publication may be interrupted due to a situation without a contract.
Teacher Reference Center
Reference database for education (assessment, best practice, continuing education, pedagogical research, curriculum developement, instructional media, literacy standards, school administration, teacher education), indexing 280 peer-reviewed journals and magzines