Consolidation Grants 2023

The call for projects "Consolidation Grants" aims to encourage more advanced, solid projects between Switzerland and the MENA region. The impulse for the COG proposals should come from previous collaborations between the Swiss and the MENA applicants, with the goal to evolve and deepen those partnerships.

The objective of this instrument is to allow researchers to conduct fieldwork, laboratory feasiblility studies, or to organise conferences and workshops. 

This call for "Consolidation Grants" is launched for the first time and it is currently open. The COGs are different from the Research Partnership Grants (2021, 2022, 2023) as the Swiss and MENA partners must have already conducted at least one activity together. The text for this call is available below.

Awarded projects

The call for projects was launched in June 2023. At the deadline (2 October 2023), 44 applications had been submitted. After an eligibility check, an evaluation by external reviewers, and a final committee selection, fifteen projects were awarded a grant. You can find the list of awarded projects below.

Antimicrobial Resistance According to Different Geographical Location and Climatic Conditions: Source, Identification, Risk and Prevention

Saudi Arabia

| Biosciences, Earth Sciences

Conservation of Beirut Cultural Heritage: From post-disaster recovery to long-term preservation


| Architecture, History

Crises impact on special needs education in Lebanon


| Education, Social Work

Enabling greywater reuse in Palestinian households

Occupied Palestine Territory

| Earth Sciences, Environment

Fostering Self-Competencies in Tunisian Youth Center (FOYER)


| Social Work, Cognitive Sciences

L'Encyclopédie d'archéologie arabe


| Archaeology, History

Machine learning based design of single and interpenetrating phase, vibration-isolating advanced materials

United Arab Emirates

| Computer Sciences, Earth Sciences

Contesting returns from below: Local inclusion of Syrian refugees in Jordan and Sweden


| Social Work, Migration

The safety and liquidity premium of treasury bonds over the business cycle


| Economics, Political Sciences

SI-WHIM: Space ImmunoBioInks for Wound Healing In Microgravity

United Arab Emirates

| Biosciences, Engineering Sciences

Bypassing resistance mechanism to immunotherapy in bladder cancer


| Medicine, Biosciences

Investigating the EBVC Discretization Method for Pressure-based Solvers over Tetrahedral Computational Domains


| Computer Sciences, Engineering Sciences

Ville à hauteur d'enfant


| Social Work, Agriculture

The effects of oral iron supplements on insulin and glucose metabolism in women at high risk of diabetes


| Medicine, Gender Studies

Using Single Cell Manipulation and Micropatterned Biomimetic Molecules to Build 2.5D/3D Neuronal Networks


| Cognitive Sciences, Medicine