Opportunity for Swiss entities to participate in the Austrian Space Applications Programme

Publié le 16.10.2017. Mis à jour le 05.05.2021.

The Aeronautics and Space Agency of Austria (FFG/ALR) and the Swiss Space Office (SSO/SERI) have agreed to mutually open their national Calls for the development of space technologies and applications.

The Austrian Space Applications Programme ASAP invites Swiss actors to participate in the 2017 edition of its call, subject to the following main criteria:  

  • Swiss entities are allowed to participate in projects of type «Sondierungen» as partners, but not as prime contractors.
  • The max. Swiss share in any project is limited to CHF 75'000.
  • Deadline for submitting proposals is 27 November 2017, 12:00 CET.

> More information about the ASAP Call 2017

picto pdf. Photo :   Short information guideline

The contact person in Switzerland is Mrs. Kamlesh Brocard (+41 58 465 14 87, kamlesh.brocard(at)