ETH Zurich as the Leading House Asia and the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) jointly operate an instrument for the exchange of early career researchers.
The instrument funds 3-month research stays in the partner country. Switzerland-based researchers can apply to ETH Zurich for a stay in South Korea and South Korean researchers to the NRF for a stay in Switzerland.
Application deadline: 31 March 2023
Eligible candidates: doctoral students, and in exceptional cases early-career postdoctoral students, from Swiss universities, universities of applied sciences, and public research institutes. The call is open to all scientific disciplines including social sciences and humanities.
Type of exchange: candidates apply for a research stay in South Korea.
Funding: Grants will cover travel costs and a 3-month living allowance for a research stay at a Korean university or research laboratory.
Further details and application process: see the LH Asia website.
Contact : Ms. Robin Anna Vital : +41 44 632 84 65.