Leading House Asia: Call for Opportunity Grants

Publié le 08.01.2018. Mis à jour le 05.05.2021.

The Swiss Leading House for Asia (ETH Zurich) launches a new call for Opportunity Grants. Applications are accepted on a rolling base until 2020.

The grants will support activities of Swiss researchers linked to specific events or incidents in China (including Hong Kong and Taiwan), Japan, South Korea and member states of ASEAN. Examples of such events are on the one hand large public happenings, such as the Olympic Games, international or national Expos etc., or on the other hand major environmental or economic developments in the region.

The goal of the opportunity grants is to provide non-bureaucratic support to bottom-up initiatives. These initiatives may aim at increasing the visibility of Swiss science and technology abroad or applying results to a concrete development or challenge.

Deadline: call permanently open until 2020

Grant sum: max. 50 kCHF

Project duration: up to 12 months

Eligible countries: China (incl. Hong Kong and Taiwan), Japan, South Korea, ASEAN member states (partner countries)

More info available on the ETH Global website.