The ninth Swiss-Swedish Innovation Initiative (SWII) Call for R&D Project Outlines was launched in February 2019 and the deadline for submission will be 29 November 2019 (Call document).
Participating Consortia should integrate partners from both
Switzerland and Sweden and are invited to discuss project ideas with the
respective EUREKA Eurostars office before submission.
The aim of the SWII calls is to provide applicants:
- Partnering opportunities
- Recommendations on suitable EUREKA funding mechanisms
- Guidance on how to prepare a high quality proposal
The call is open to all topics
of the Swiss-Swedish Innovation Initiative (SWII), but focuses on Digitalisation (Artificial Intelligence, Big Data & Virtual
Reality/Augmented Reality).
The following dates are binding:
-Call launch: September 2, 2019
-Swiss-Swedish Networking Conference with the participation of
companies and research institutions from both countries: September 26,
2019, ABB Baden. Find here information about the networking conference.
-Submission deadline for project outlines (Phase 1 – Draft): November 29, 2019
-Recommendations from the screening of the project outlines: December 2019
-Submission of the full applications: At the beginning of 2020
Information on scope, eligibility criteria, call procedure as well as funding rules can be found in the SWII Call 2019 Pre-Announcement.
For further information:
- In support of the ninth call, the list of related events can be found here.