Switzerland is a world leader in the machine industry. With a Master's degree in Mechanical Engineering, you will be in demand in one of the most important branches of development and production.
Target group
Specific qualifications are required to enter this profile. Students who have completed one of the following courses with above-average grades usually meet these entry requirements: Bachelor's degree from a university of applied sciences in mechanical engineering, industrial design engineering, industrial systems (design & materials and design), or equivalent qualifications.
The Mechanical Engineering profile is also intended for people with an equivalent Bachelor's degree who have been working in industry for several years.
The assessment of the prerequisites will be done on the basis of the application file after registration. Students who do not hold one of the above-mentioned diplomas will be assessed individually by the university of applied sciences concerned.
Professional profile
Mechanical Engineering encompasses all activities related to the development, production, use and optimization of machines, materials, equipment and products in an industrial or research environment.
With an MSE degree in Mechanical Engineering, you will be sought after for managerial positions with technical and leadership responsibilities in the areas of research and development or production.
You will also be able to work in engineering offices or in the public sector.
Your role is essential to ensuring the success of the projects you will be leading while including ecological, economic and social considerations.
Skills to be developed
In the MSE in Mechanical Engineering, you will develop advanced skills in product development and design, and production of components and systems. You will also develop your knowledge of materials and manufacturing techniques. The focus will be on mechanical and mechatronic systems, including their control and automation, while also integrating energy systems. In addition, you will acquire in-depth skills in simulation, analysis, optimization and validation. You will be able to tackle complex problems with strong methodological skills.
Compared to Bachelor's degree courses in Mechanical Engineering, the MSE in Mechanical Engineering will enable you not only to develop the components of a product or process, but also to design entire products and systems while considering the design and operational requirements. You will be able to carry out complex projects in an industrial and research environment, apply a wider range of engineering knowledge and skills and take on leadership roles based on your deep analytical and abstracting skills. Although the MSE in Mechanical Engineering does not offer a specialisation as such, students can choose to deepen their knowledge of design, materials, applied mechanics, energy or numerical simulation through their selection of modules.
Sebastian Leopold
Head of the ME profile (major)
HES-SO Master
Av. de Provence 6
1007 Lausanne
T + 41 58 900 00 00