Leading House South Asia and Iran : Academia-Industry Training India 2023

Publié le 12.07.2023. Mis à jour le 26.07.2023.

Date butoir : 23 août 2023

Transforming applied research into market application

Copyright Picture: Lisa Abraham @ Swissnex in India

Be part of the 10 Swiss "Scientrepreneurs" who will challenge their startup project on the Indian market. Join a 2-week entrepreneurship program with a camp in India and another in Switzerland. Learn more on how to do business in India, and how to expand your business in Switzerland.

2 grants of CHF 10'000.- each will be given during the Swiss Camp in February to the best pitches!

Who should apply?

We welcome applications from founding members of science-based Swiss startups with a high market potential. This program is tailored for Master’s students, PhD students, postdocs and researchers from Swiss universities, universities of applied sciences, universities of teacher education, research institutes and centers of technological excellence who are pursuing a concrete business opportunity based on their research.

Application deadline: 23 August 2023

Information and application: https://www.zhaw.ch/en/research/leading-house-south-asia-and-iran/funding-instruments-leading-house-south-asia-and-iran/#c95250