Joint R&D Projects between Switzerland and Korea to develop ready-to-market solutions or products

Publié le 30.04.2018. Mis à jour le 26.04.2021.

The Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology (KIAT) and the Swiss Innovation Agency (Innosuisse) are launching a new call in 2018 for joint innovation projects between Switzerland and South Korea.

The eligible funding areas: all topics but focus on (1) Biotech; Medtech (2) Renewable Energy; Mobility (3) Digitalisation; Industry 4.0 ; IoT (4) Additive Manufacturing  (5) Smart Materials / Innovative surfaces and (6) Augmented and virtual reality

Each country will fund its eligible participants according to their national procedure and funding rules.

Deadline for Submission: 10 August 2018

Documents for submission:

4th Joint Call_S.K.-CH_document for applicants

4th joint call_S.K.-CH_joint application form2018

Further information:

Innosuisse: Swiss-Korean Joint Research Projects R&D 

KIAT: Swiss Korean Joint Research Project R&D