Call for projects: Swiss-Russian Research Preparation Grants (RPG)

Publié le 29.04.2020. Mis à jour le 26.04.2021.

The Leading House Russia & CIS/University of Geneva will provide seed funding for projects between academic actors in Switzerland and Russia.

This Call for Projects is designed to provide seed funding for projects between academic actors in Switzerland and Russia. Research Preparation Grants are intended to allow first contacts and interactions between teams of Russian and Swiss researchers, leading up to joint applications for calls to be launched by the SNSF with its Russian counterparts, or other funding options. To make sure the exchanges are not limited to individuals and to warrant mid-term perspectives, applications by teams of at least two persons per country, including young researchers, are encouraged. Projects submitted must specify a timeline and objective for external follow up funding.

Deadline: 16 June 2020

Funding: max. CHF 20,000 over two years

Given the COVID-19 situation, maximum flexibility will be given in relation to the project’s implementation. Beneficiaries are highly encouraged to shift their tasks whenever possible. For instance, tasks where physical presence is needed on the ground (e.g. experiments/lab work, workshops, conference, etc.) may be postponed after confinement measures are over and meanwhile remote work could be done instead (desk work, drafting documents, etc.).

Detailed information on the call (eligibility, evaluation, timeline) and application form are available on http://unige-leadinghouse.ch/project-submission/

Please note that this Call is disseminated mainly to academic contacts in Switzerland, without an institutional partner on the Russian side. Therefore, Swiss stakeholders are encouraged to spread it to their contacts in Russia.

Link to the call document