Leading House Asia: Call for Young Researchers' Exchange between Japan and Switzerland

Publié le 13.02.2018. Mis à jour le 05.05.2021.

The Swiss Leading House for Asia (ETH Zurich) launches a new call for the exchange of young researchers (PhD students, young postdocs and master students in exceptional cases) between Japan and Switzerland together with the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)

The grants will allow Swiss young scientists to spend 3-6 months of research in a Japanese partner laboratory or vice-versa Japanese scientists to perform 3-6 months of research in Switzerland; grants cover international travel and living allowance. The call is open to all scientific disciplines including social sciences and humanities and to researchers from all Swiss universities, universities of applied sciences and research institutes. The respective guidelines and application form can be found on the Leading House website.

Deadline for applications is 20 May 2018.

Japanese candidates will have to apply to JSPS.