Foundation for the Third Millennium

Publié le 13.03.2017. Mis à jour le 05.05.2021.

The Stiftung Drittes Millennium (Foundation for the Third Millennium) promotes sustainability in all sectors of society.

More specifically, it promotes action that places equal emphasis on responsible behavior in relationship to environmental, economic and social activities.

Sustainability for our own and future generations requires that we achieve :

-social justice,

-an economic system that meets genuine needs,

-an intact, life-supporting environment.

This foundation is committed to sustainability and it supports projects which promote environmental protection and health, social justice and economic independence in balanced proportions.

The preference is given to organizations based in Switzerland and in neighboring European countries.

Financial support for projects must be widely-based and secured for the project’s duration. At least half the project’s budget must be contributed by third parties.

Submission deadlines 2017:    

January 20, 2017

May 5, 2017

August 4, 2017

October 6, 2017

Website: link