Quatorze projets de collaboration HES-SO - Instituts polytechniques portugais

Publié le 21.07.2020. Mis à jour le 02.06.2021.

L’appel à projets d’impulsion lancé dans le cadre de la collaboration entre la HES-SO et les Instituts Polytechniques Portugais a retenu quatorze projets qui témoignent d’une grande variété de champs d’action et de thématiques d’actualité. La démarche démontre la potentialité de la collaboration avec les Instituts polytechniques portugais.


Le 2 mai 2019, la HES⁠-⁠SO et le CCISP - Conseil de coordination des instituts polytechniques portugais - ont signé un accord marquant le début d’une collaboration bilatérale. Dans le cadre de cette collaboration, un appel à projets d’impulsion ouvert à toute la communauté scientifique HES-SO a été lancé en janvier 2020. Trente projets ont été déposés et quatorze retenus.



Les projets retenus:

  • Effectiveness of a medication management programme for polymedicated home-dwelling older adults: development phase of a pragmatic randomised controlled trial (the OptiMed trial); HES-SO Valais Wallis; contact: filipa.pereira(at)hevs.ch
  • Presenteeism among Portuguese and Swiss nurses and its impact on patient safety and quality of care: a qualitative study; HES-SO Valais Wallis; contact: henk.verloo(at)hevs.ch
  • ENTRAR 2021 A European forum and network on tourism resilience and rejuvenation; HES-SO Valais Wallis; contact: roland.schegg(at)hevs.ch
  • IPCpredict: developing an intelligent privacy-preserving tool to track infection risk in long-term healthcare units to support infection prevention and control; Expectations of return of new Portuguese emigrants living in Switzerland; HEG-GE; contact: douglas.teodoro(at)hesge.ch
  • The experience of hope of patients and families living with life limiting illness in the transition to end-of-life care – a research and educational project; HEdS-GE; contact: gora.darocha(at)hesge.ch
  • ACTIVE PREGNANCY – Promoting physical exercise and healthy lifestyle during pregnancy and postpartum; HESAV; contact: jennifer.masset(at)hesav.ch
  • Entrepreneurship & Innovation in Products and Processes (EI2Pro); HES-SO Master; contact: patrick.albert(at)hes-so.ch
  • Veggies4myHeart – digital game to promote vegetable consumption in preschool children; HEdS-GE, contact: sophie.bucher(at)hesge.ch
  • Tackling antiretroviral resistance: a chemical odyssey into HIV molecular space; HES-SO Valais Wallis; contact: origene.nyanguile(at)hevs.ch
  • Mental Health in time of pandemics: Exploratory study among Portuguese and Swiss Higher Education Students; HEdS-FR; contact: Alexander.Bischoff(at)hefr.ch
  • Built Environment for an Active, Safe and Healthy Life (BEASHL); hepia; contact: ricardo.lima(at)hesge.ch
  • Upgrading Infection Prevention and Control: development phase of a pragmatic randomized control trial (the Upgrade trial); HES-SO Valais Wallis; contact: wolfram.bruck(at)hevs.ch
  • ECCo: Harnessing the power of conversational e-Coaches for health and well-being through Swiss-Portuguese Collaboration; HEIA-FR; contact: elena.mugellini(at)hefr.ch